The Reformer Pilates Studio Space
In this post I will discuss a few factors that affect the client experience that are not directly related to the quality of the Reformer Pilates Instructors or the classes that are on offer.
There is so much choice nowadays when it comes to picking a Reformer Pilates Studio or a Gym. It is evident that the location, the instructors and class availability play a massive role when a client chooses where to put their money. However human beings have seven senses. A Reformer Pilates Studio that considers most of them has a great chance to grow and attract more clients in their niche.
How Does The Reformer Pilates Studio Look Like
When you step into a studio what you see will instantly be a part of your first impression. Is it inviting? Aesthetics is an important part of the studio design. What colors and patterns the clients see when they enter the studio space? What furniture they see and use? How is the space decorated? These are important considerations when we think of an overall client experience.
Is it easy enough to navigate to find toilets, dressing rooms or water fountain? Do you have signs and is the layout of the studio practical? Are there enough mirrors in the reformer room that clients can see themselves? Or perhaps you choose to go without.
A clean and light space is often inviting and pleases the eye of the client. However depending on the style of your Pilates classes and the clientele you want to attract you may want to choose or darker color palette or decorate the space with neon lights. It is all up to you and your brand. However people love their social media photos taken in aesthetically beautiful and interestingly quirky looking places. The photos shared in social media are a massive marketing win for you and your Reformer Pilates Studio.
I Can Smell It In The Air
Is the air stuffy and heavy? Does it smell like sweaty shoes? Proper air quality as well as neutral smell go far. Some fitness studios use a recognisable, unique smell as a part of their brand to improve the class experience. The unique smell connects the client to the studio and can create an “all sensory experience” used together with other elements such as lights and music.
The Physical Feel, Chatter, Noise and Music in Your Reformer Pilates Studio
Does the reformer studio space feel like a sauna? Or like you are in Iceland in the middle of the winter without proper gear? The failure of air condition, heating or fans can be a deal breaker. A space where the temperature is just right enhances the positive experience for the clients and instructors alike.
Is the equipment your clients use high quality and in working order? Reformer Pilates Machine maintenance and cleaning is part of the look and feel of the Reformer Pilates Studio as well as the props such as balls, rings and bands.
The choice of location and neighborhood can be bigger than you think. Are there lot of distractive noises coming from outside? Can you play music and turn it up? Or do you have a meditation center next door that really likes peace and quiet? If you are playing music is it on the sensible level and matches the class description?
I hope this short read gave you some food for thought and questions to ask yourself as a studio owner, manager or a trainer who wants to stand out!