Create A Positive Group Reformer Pilates Class Environment
Stage Presence is such a big part of your Reformer Pilates class delivery and cannot be overlooked. You as a Reformer Pilates Instructor are in charge of the type of energy you bring into the studio room and how engaged your clients will be during the class.
In this blog post I will share a few tips that I find useful in order to enhance my stage presence. The step one is being your authentic self and use the tips that feel the most natural to you. If you are natural at boosting the mood by making people laugh and cracking jokes go for the gold. Or if one of your strengths is a kind smile that lights up the room and makes everybody feel instantly warm and fuzzy make sure you use it!
Body Language
Always welcome your clients with smile and take eye contact to build rapport and trust straight from the get go. The way you stand and walk during the class tells how confident and passionate you are about teaching Reformer Pilates. Energetic body language instantly creates a class environment that is professional, upbeat, welcoming, fun and enjoyable. Keep you shoulders down and back and walk around the room with purpose no matter how well or wrong things may go. Mistakes can be owned by simple stating confidently you messed up, having a laugh or cracking a joke about it if that sounds more like you.
Big and powerful visual cues/demonstrations as well as 1:1 time spend with your clients bring contagious energy in to the studio and help you to keep your body language open. To me, a Pilates Instructor who is leaning against the equipment or wall, sluggishly walking around and or keeping hands tied behind the back signal they are either bored, lack energy/confidence or cannot be bothered to give their all to clients who deserve nothing but the best. Just like I would love a waiter or waitress to serve me with enthusiasm or going for an extra mile in my favorite restaurant, I try to do the same for my Reformer Pilates clients.
Empowering & Positive Verbal Pilates Instructing
The tone of the voice and the words you choose to use when you give verbal instructions play often a bigger role than you can imagine. A clear, relaxed and confident voice is important in order to ensure a top notch class. Avoid yelling or straining too much but ensure you are being heard. However it is not just the tone of the voice that matters. The choice of words can mean a difference between positive and negative in class experience.
I like to think a lot how I can use more descriptive words & cues that tell my clients what to do instead of what not to do. I also like to think my word choices in order to create a fear-free and motivating Reformer Pilates class. This is such a simple yet effective trick that will often shift the tone and vibe from negative to positive in a heart beat.
If you want your clients to keep their carriages still tell them that (KEEP YOUR CARRIAGE STILL) instead of what not to do (DO NOT MOVE YOUR CARRIAGE). Clients love to be told what to do (they pay you as a reformer Pilates Instructor to do that) rather than what not to do. Or when you want to ensure clients stand securely on top of the reformer cue them to grab a pole (or hand it over ideally) and cue them to stand on the platform first instead of feeding fear by warning them not to fall and to be super careful.
As an icing on the cake, I also do my best to use verbal cues that are empowering in educational way and tell clients why we do this specific exercise. A Reformer Pilates Instructor who states with passion in his or her voice how an exercise xyz benefits us is golden. There is nothing more empowering as a client than knowing you are in a right place doing the right thing.
Be Prepared
Teaching Reformer Pilates requires specific knowledge (such as Reformer Pilates repertoire and Exercise Science to name a few), passion and patience. Before I wrap things up I want to say a few words about emotions, mood and patience.
Sometimes things go wrong – clients have bad days; they take it on you or rock up late. Music does not work, air condition breaks down or some other fun things happen and you may come pretty close to slightly losing it. You may be able to keep your cool and hide your emotions. That is awesome! But when you are already exhausted from a long day, dehydrated or hungry your facial expressions, gestures and body language may reveal your mood and thoughts.
A few deep breaths is a great way to calm and cool ourselves down. It may sound silly but being well hydrated, having snacks available and understanding the things that may go wrong will help you to cope better and keep your stage presence more professional! If you are serious about controlling your state of mind, regular meditation practice will help you to cope with your emotions and moods better!