1. Create Meaningful and Memorable Moments and Connections with Your Reformer Pilates Clients
Exercise is vital for our physical bodies longevity but the mental and social aspect are equally important. Most of the clients come to Reformer Pilates classes to be a part of the fun workout. To laugh & sweat together and share their mornings or evenings with like-minded people. That brings them joy. That is the essence of life. Well at least to me. Having a good time together and creating memories to cherish!
When you create meaningful connections with your clients and spend your mornings and evenings with people you know and love to have around, you have found your passion. Your job is enjoyable. You know you are making a difference when your client reaches their goal. Or when they tell you that the Tuesday morning class is the highlight of their week.
See, you do not have to be the most qualified, the most experienced, the most intelligent, the best at entertaining or so to create memorable moments with your clients. You, of course, need to know your stuff to be able to deliver Reformer Pilates class where your clients get what they want from their time spent with you. But most of clients do not remember or care how qualified or smart you are (to the certain level obviously) but how you make them feel.
Well planned, simple yet effective and adjustable program takes you far but the magic happens in the moment you deliver the plan and spend the 30-60minutes with your clients. This comes down reading the room (your clients abilities, moods, readiness levels etc.) and adjusting your program accordingly. Make the effort to talk to your clients on their level of understanding, ask questions and get to know more about them than what injuries they may have or what their skill level is.
2. Sacrifice a Thought or Two For Why You Teach The Exercises You Teach
Before you are about to teach a Reformer Pilates class or put together your next class plan I challenge you to pause for a moment. Instead of thinking WHAT (your session plan) you are going to teach and HOW (how am I gonna deliver this class plan in detail and cue the exercises) sacrifice a thought or two for WHY. Simon Sineks wise words in the book called “Start with why” has fundamentally changed my way of looking at things in life.
The why behind the exercises can be found in Exercise Science, your Reformer Pilates clients goals, the class description and the brand/ Pilates company you are working for. When you are clear about the why you choose the exercises, props and layers and why you put them in particular order in your next session plan, you are more likely to deliver a better class and help to get your clients where they want to go.
When you know the WHY(s) behind your plan and you are happy with the answer(s) your clients and you are winning. The benefits and positive effects these chosen exercises bring (when done on regular basis) can be articulated to clients to motivate and educate them. Start with WHY and your Reformer Pilates programming gets more effective and smarter.
3. Step into Your Pilates Clients Shoes
Whether this means that you, as a Reformer Pilates instructor, are participating a Pilates class in another studio for the first time. Not knowing exactly what is going to happen as you are putting your trust into your instructors hands. You hope that you get bang for your buck and that your precious time is well spent.
Or perhaps you are trying something completely new for the very first time. You have booked your very first surf lesson. You are nervous and terrified already the night before as you deem yourself not the greatest swimmer or person who does not have a good balance.
Now think of those two scenarios for a moment. Then ask yourself how would you like to be treated and what would make you feel more comfortable? Pilates is no different to any hobby when it comes to first timers or clients with lower self-esteem or confidence in their abilities (whether it is for reason or for no reason). We all appreciate being seen, valued and taken care of. Try to meet the client on their level and make them feel safe and capable. Make everybody feel like they are somebody.
Final Words
Your job is of course to teach a fantastic Reformer Pilates class (what is fantastic is subjective) however I think you have another job as a health & fitness professional that can make even bigger impact to people around you. It is to help your clients to believe in themselves, their abilities and the way they perceive themselves. When you can help someone to change their mindset you can change their whole life for the better.
I encourage you to find moments and places where you are stepping into your Pilates Clients shoes. This will not only build your empathy skills but also help you to step out of your comfort zone and grow as a person.